your demo material
thanks for you all sending us your music. I have no idea, why it comes from all around the world, but this seems to be one of the advantages of the www. great!
Please have in mind that although we are only a very small label, we get a lot of demo-material sent to our attention.
We would very much appreciate if you could follow these few simple rules. (Thanks a lot in advance!):
pls. send DEMOs to:
snail mail:
c/o Chris Gelbmann
A-2371 Hinterbruehl
Austria, Europe
e-mail (much better!):
unsolicited material is still accepted.
please only send CD per snail mail or mp3-files per e-mail (VERY IMPORTANT: not bigger than 4MB per mp3!).
don't forget to include your contacts in an obvious way.
MOST IMPORTANT: be patient and persistent. communication per e-mail is privileged.
Thank you.... Chris
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